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See you Soon!

Holiday & Family Fun
in December!
$5.00 Per Person – Kids under 5 are free.
Trees of Honor
A special display of dedicated Christmas trees, one for every branch of military service and first responders.
Decorated trees don’t say enough. We appreciate each and every one of you for your tireless efforts to protect, defend and stand for our safety and freedom.
America’s Heroes Area is a moving tribute to our country’s armed forces and first responders. There will be a tree for every branch of the military, along with a tree for Police, Fire, and Medical. We have dog tags that each person will be able to put on the tree of his/her service. Last year, we watched as parents facetimed their son or daughter stationed in other states or countries, so they see them put a dog tag on the tree in their honor. We also watched as a 98-year-old veteran of the Korean War who no longer walks very well proudly stand up to put his dog tag on the Army tree. This area is very special to us.
The Nativity Scene reminds us of the true meaning of the season. Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus, lighting, music, and animals make this a beautiful tribute to the greatest story ever told.
Step back in time with us as we celebrate a night like no other.
*Only until December 23rd!
*Due to Santa’s Christmas Eve responsibilities
and his much needed post-Christmas vacation.
Santa’s Grand Hall will delight children and parents alike as they visit with Santa and have their picture taken. We have bragging rights of having the best Santa in NWA.
Merry Christmas!